8 DIY Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes (2024)

8 DIY Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes (1)

Cleaning is an essential part of taking care of your home. It keeps your spaces safe for your family and allows you all to enjoy them as much as possible. But cleaning can come with its own hazards.

Store-bought cleaners are jam-packed with chemicals, many of which can be harmful when contacted by humans. Even products that are marketed as “all-natural” or “green” may in fact still contain these hazardous chemicals.

You can put your family at risk or search for another option. Essential oil cleaning products are an excellent alternative to store-bought options.

They’re 100% safe and can be made in your home with minimal effort. Read on to learn more about cleaning with essential oils.

If you’re ready to purchase what you need to do so now, then consider the following options:

  • Lemon Essential Oil for a cleaning product with an appealing citrusy scent
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil for its natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties
  • Wellness Maker Multi Purpose Cleaner Kit to craft homemade cleaning products for your home

Does cleaning with essential oils work?

Some people believe that the harsh chemicals present in store-bought cleaning products are needed to effectively clean the home. This simply isn’t true.

Essential oils offer many of the same benefits that are provided by harsh cleaners. These can include properties like:

  • Antiseptic
  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral

Not every essential oil has the same properties. It’s important that you consider what you’re trying to accomplish with a cleaner before deciding on which essential oil to use in a DIY creation.

You should also keep in mind that not all essential oils are created equal. Some products are marketed as essential oils but are, in fact, created through chemical processes. Products like lemon-oil and orange cleaners fit this bill.

When you shop, make sure that the essential oils you buy are created through natural processes. Doing so will ensure that they’re able to infuse your DIY cleaners with the maximum number of benefits.

How do you make a cleaner with essential oils?

Recipes for essential oil cleaners vary based on what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, an essential-oils-based dishwasher detergent will have different ingredients than an essential-oils-based antibacterial cleaner.

If you just want an essential oils cleaner that can be used to wipe down surfaces throughout the house, then you’re in luck. The creation process is incredibly easy.

The standard recipe for essential oils cleaners is as follow:

  • Gather your ingredients. Get 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 3 cups of water, and 10-15 drops of an essential oil of your choice. (Lemon is always a good option).
  • Mix the ingredients together in a glass bottle.
  • Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.
  • Use the cleaner on surfaces throughout your home.
  • Making your own essential oil cleaner is as easy as that. You can use DIY cleaners like this for up to two weeks.

    What is the best essential oil for cleaning?

    There are several essential oils that work extremely well in cleaning applications. Here’s an overview of each of them.


    Lemon essential oil is exceedingly versatile. It has everything you want in a cleaning ingredient, including antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. Lemon is also very effective at cutting through grease and grime.

    You can use lemon essential oil to deodorize your refrigerator, remove sticky residues from counters, and clean wood, among other applications.

    Tea Tree

    You can also use tea tree essential oil in many applications. It kills bacteria, insects, and has natural properties that prevent harmful molds and bacterias from growing in your home.

    Tea tree essential oil is commonly used to clean showers, in hand wash, and in DIY all-purpose cleaner recipes.


    Lavender essential oil is a favorite thanks to its pleasing, relaxing scent. It’s also a very effective addition to a DIY cleaning recipe, as it has antibacterial properties and the ability to disinfect surfaces.


    Peppermint essential oil is very effective at repelling bugs like ants, spiders, and co*ckroaches from your home. It also has an uplifting scent that will make your home smell fantastic.

    Sweet Orange

    If you need a degreaser, look no further than sweet orange essential oil. It also has an uplifting scent and works well in general cleaning applications thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties.

    What essential oil will kill bacteria?

    There are a number of essential oils that will kill bacteria when used in DIY cleaning products. You can choose from the following list of antibacterial essential oils based on your scent preferences and any other factors you may want to consider:

    • Tea tree
    • Grapefruit
    • Oregano
    • Cinnamon
    • Citronella
    • Eucalyptus
    • Thyme
    • Sweet Orange
    • Peppermint
    • Lavender
    • Lemon

    8 essential oil cleaning recipes

    As you shop for ingredients for these recipes, consider using our Wellness Maker Beauty Kit. It’s full of the essential oils that you need to create your own cleaning products.

    1. Mild and Mildew Remover


    • 1 cup of vinegar
    • 1 cup of water
    • 5 drops of an essential oil of your choice (cinnamon, thyme, clove, and tea tree work best)


    1. Add the vinegar, water, and essential oil drops to a spray bottle
    2. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients
    3. Use up to two weeks

    This mild and mildew remover recipe is an easy way to keep your home looking great. The vinegar in the mixture will remove the mold while the essential oil will prevent it from growing back and help to make your home smell great.

    2. Homemade Carpet Cleaner


    • 6 cups of hot water
    • 2 tablespoons of Castile soap
    • 2 tablespoons of distilled vinegar
    • 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
    • 15-20 drops of lemon essential oil


    1. Add all the ingredients together in a large pitcher
    2. Use a spoon or spatula to stir them together gently
    3. Transfer to a spray bottle and use as needed on carpet

    This carpet cleaner should be used after you’ve already vacuumed. Simply spray the mixture on the desired area and scrub it with a bristle brush to remove stains. Lemon is our preferred essential oil for this recipe but any with a great scent will do.

    3. Natural Oven Cleaner


    • 1/2 cup of baking soda
    • 2-3 tablespoons of water
    • A few drops of tea tree essential oil
    • A few drops of lemon essential oil (optional)


    1. Mix all of the ingredients together
    2. Use the resulting paste on your oven

    Tea tree is the perfect addition to this natural oven cleaner because of its antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties. Use this paste to coat the oven’s surface and then let it stand for 10-12 hours before cleaning it off.

    4. Homemade Antibacterial Cleaner


    • 1/2 cup of white vinegar
    • 3 cups of water
    • 10-15 drops of essential oil (your choice)


    1. Mix the ingredients together in a glass bottle
    2. Shake the bottle to mix them together
    3. Store with a lid for up to two weeks

    Three simple ingredients is all that you need to create your own powerful antibacterial cleaning product. You can use lavender, tea tree, lemongrass, orange, and many other types of essential oils in this recipe.

    5. Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent


    • 1 cup of baking soda
    • 1/3 cup of sea salt
    • 2.5 cups of warm water
    • 1 cup of liquid castile soap
    • 10-15 drops of essential oils to fit your smell preference
    • Enough water to fill the remainder of a gallon jug


    1. Add the baking soda, sea salt, and warm water to a gallon jug
    2. Shake the jug until the salt and baking soda dissolve
    3. Add the castile soap and essential oils to the mixture then fill the remaining space in the jug with water
    4. Swirl the jug gently to mix

    Depending on the size of your load, you can use either a full or half cup of this DIY laundry detergent in traditional washing machines. If you have a high-efficiency machine, we recommend using either 1/4 or 1/2 cup of this mixture in each load.

    6. DIY Dishwasher Detergent


    • 1 cup of baking soda
    • 1 cup of washing soda
    • 1 cup of Epsom salts
    • 1/3 cup of citric acid
    • 15 drops of lemon essential oil


    1. Gather each of the dry ingredients and place them into a mixing bowl.
    2. Use a whisk to mix them all together.
    3. Add your lemon essential oil drops and citric acid.
    4. Mix again, this time ensuring that no clumps form.
    5. Transfer the mixture into an airtight container.

    Use 1 to 2 tablespoons of this mixture in each load. Lemon is the perfect essential oil for this thanks to its ability to cut through grease, remove burned food particles from pots and panda, and make glasses and silverware come out sparkling, shiny, and clean.

    7. Natural Kitchen Degreaser


    • 5-6 drops of lemon essential oil (or another of your choice)
    • 1 cup of white vinegar
    • 1/4 teaspoon of Castile soap


    1. Combine all of the ingredients into a spray bottle.
    2. Shake vigorously until mixed.

    You can use this simple but effective mixture on any surface that needs to be degreased. The castile soap and lemon work together to degrease tough stains while the vinegar will disinfect the area to make it safe for your use.

    8. DIY Wood Polish with Essential Oils


    • 1/2 cup of olive oil
    • 1/2 cup of white vinegar
    • 20-24 drops of orange essential oil


    1. Add the ingredients to a bowl or spray bottle.
    2. Shake vigorously to mix together.

    You can apply this polish to any wood surface that you’d like to make shine. Simply rub it in a circular motion to do so. The orange essential oils will leave the wood smelling fantastic while the vinegar cleans and the olive oil shines it.

    8 DIY Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes (2024)


    What is the best DIY all purpose cleaner with essential oils? ›


    In a 16 oz. glass spray bottle, combine 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 3/4 cups water, 30 drops essential oil (combos could be 15 drops each, lavender and lemon; 10 drops each, eucalyptus, peppermint and wild orange; 15 drops grapefruit and 15 drops lavender; or 30 drops Protective Blend).

    How do you make cleaning products with essential oils and water? ›

    All Purpose Essential Oil Cleaning Spray
    1. 16 oz glass bottle with spray top.
    2. 3 tbsp rubbing alcohol.
    3. 4 tbsp castille soap.
    4. 10 drops tea tree oil.
    5. 20-25 drops other essential oils (see below scent suggestions)
    6. water.
    Nov 13, 2019

    Which 2 ingredients make great DIY household cleaner? ›

    All-Purpose Cleaners
    1. Recipe 1 (Mild) - 1⁄2 cup vinegar. - 1⁄4 cup baking soda. - 1⁄2 gallon hot water. Mix ingredients in spray bottle. ...
    2. Recipe 2 (Moderate) - 2 Tbsp borax. - 1/4 cup vinegar. - 2 cups hot water. Mix borax and vinegar with water in spray bottle.

    How do you make multi surface cleaner with essential oils? ›

    1. 1/4 cup white vinegar.
    2. 1 3/4 cups water.
    3. 30 drops doTERRA essential oils (see possible combos below) ...
    4. 15 drops each of Lavender and Lemon (one of Paige's favorites!)
    5. 10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Wild Orange.
    6. 30 drops of doTERRA On Guard®
    7. 15 drops each of Grapefruit and doTERRA On Guard.

    What essential oil recipes for clean smell? ›

    Comforting Clean - Reminiscent of the fresh Spring air, these oils come together to bring a clean aroma that is subtly sweet.
    1. 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil.
    2. 2 drops Lavender Essential Oil.
    3. 2 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil.

    What is the best essential oil for a clean smelling house? ›

    Try basil, rosemary, bergamot, and lemon. Adding fragrance to the living room can prevent ill health, balance the emotions, and disguise unwelcome smells. Use a diffuser or a room spray. Rose, geranium, orange, and lavender are pleasing, uplifting essential oils.

    What essential oils purify the house? ›

    Some of the best essential oils for cleaning the air include Tea Tree oil, Lemon oil, Eucalyptus oil, and Peppermint oil. These oils are all known for their ability to kill bacteria and germs, as well as their refreshing scents.

    What is the best homemade toilet bowl cleaner? ›

    Simply mix together equal parts white vinegar and baking soda in a container. Once the mixture is complete, pour it into the toilet bowl and wait for it to fizz. After the fizzing subsides, take a brush and use it to scrub away any stains or spots in the bowl.

    How do you make essential oil disinfectant? ›

    1. Using a narrow tip funnel, fill a 16 oz. glass spray bottle most of the way full with alcohol.
    2. Add 1/2 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide.
    3. Remove the funnel and add the following essential oils. tea tree essential oil, 30 drops. ...
    4. Apply the spray nozzle and shake well.
    5. I highly recommend adding some kind of label.
    Apr 19, 2020

    How many drops of essential oil for cleaning? ›

    STRONG – 5 (or less) drops of essential oil, 2–3 cups of cleaning solution. For simple jobs like cleansing surfaces and wipe-away messes. STRONGER – 10–15 drops of essential oil, 3–5 cups of cleaning solution. For tougher tasks like stains, grease, sticky messes, and scrubbing.

    How do you make a simple all purpose cleaner? ›

    To make it, combine half a cup of distilled white vinegar with 2 cups of water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a squeeze of lemon for scent; since these are in low concentrations, they'll be safe for more surfaces.

    How do you make miracle cleaner with Dawn? ›

    Heat vinegar in microwave until hot and pour into squirt bottle. Add the Dawn soap. Put the lid on and gently shake to incorporate. You now have a powerful cleaning product that will melt soap scum and tub and shower buildup, clean sinks, appliances and just about anything.

    How do you make natural disinfectant with essential oils? ›

    To make your own disinfecting spray that can be safely used on a variety of surfaces around your home, just combine the following ingredients in a large glass spray bottle: 1 cup water, 1 cup white vinegar, 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol, 20 drops lemon essential oil, 20 drops tea tree essential oil.

    Can I mop with vinegar and essential oils? ›

    The Dishwasher - spray down the inside of your dishwasher and wipe down the walls, as well as the rack whenever you begin to notice any sort of negative scent. The Floors - mix up a solution that's composed of a 1:1 water to vinegar ratio, add some essential oils if you wish, and then mop away.

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